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Orange County, CA
Wedding and Portrait Photographer in Orange County and beyond. I am passionate about photography and capturing moments, emotions and the intriguing beauty in our world that is sometimes overlooked. If you are interested in booking a photo session or wedding please contact me katelin@katelinwallace.com

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{Wednesday Wallace #7}

Oh, wow once again i am late on my post :( Yikes I need to kick it in to gear.

Well today I am going to share with you that I have quite the wandering soul. I love to see new things, try new things and learn new things. I love change. I love to evolve. I have ADD which many of you already know. I like to think my ADD plays a part in keeping me excited and on the edge of my seat (literally) and ready to experience new things at any time! Being this way lead my desire to travel and start seeing the world when I was just 16 years old. At 16 I joined a US soccer team and traveled to Denmark and Sweden to play a little ball and share my love for Jesus Christ. That was when I caught the travel bug. Learning about new cultures in school was great but being in one and eating new foods, doing new dances and speaking with people who speak another language taught me more than a text book ever could have. After that trip I promised myself the traveling wouldn't stop there, and it didn't. In college I lived in Australia for a semester and it was one of the best 6 months of my life. From there I traveled to NewZealand and Fiji. Shortly after that I spent sometime in Mexico, the Bahamas and Ireland. My love to travel it chomping at the bit because I haven't taken a trip out of the country in the past 2 years. The next 2 trips on the itinerary are Croatia and Greece hopefully followed by Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. But I am most excited to share with you that I will be traveling to ETHIOPIA this summer to spend 3 weeks working at an orphanage. I am truly ecstatic for this trip and I am blessed to be going on it. I will surly update you with blogs, photos and many stories when I get back in Aug!

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